Psychologist, MSc Angelos Stamos

Angelos Stamos

Psychologist, MSc

Depression Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD) Eating Disorders Anxiety Self-confidence


  • University College London

    Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Sciences / Graduate

  • York University

    Psychology / Undergraduate

Schools of Study

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Angelos Stamos holds a BA in Psychology from York University in Toronto and an MA in Clinical Mental Health Sciences from University College London. He has extensive experience in roles around services in non-profit settings and mental health centers, as well as extensive experience in mental health research. His therapeutic approach is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in which he specializes.

Areas of Expertise

Peer Relationships Coping Skills Behavioural Issues Men's Issues Career Guidance Oppositional Defiance Chronic Pain Chronic Impulsivity Obesity School Issues Anger Management Life Transitions

Seminars and Conferences

  • Psychotherapy Traineeship, Institute for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy, EABCT Athens, Greece, September 2022- Ongoing