Selver Gök
Clinical Psychologist
Universita degli Studi di Bergamo
Clinical Psychology / Graduate
İzmir Ekonomi University
Psychology / Undergraduate
Schools of Study
After graduating from Izmir University of Economics with a Bachelor of Psychology, she completed her master's degree in "Clinical Psychology for Individuals, Families, and Institutions" at the University of Bergamo, Italy, as an honor student with the highest score. During her undergraduate and graduate education, she gained experience in many fields of psychology (9 Eylül University Hospital-Brain Dynamics Multidisciplinary Research and Application Center, Boğaziçi University-Biopsychology Laboratory, Bahçeşehir University-Brain and Cognitive Research Laboratory, Karşyaka Courthouse-2nd Family Court, Bergamo Ethno Clinical Therapy Center). Then, for a year and a half, she worked as an assistant psychologist at one of the leading therapy centers in Italy (CMTF-Milano). She gained experience in psychotherapy with the Systemic Approach for individuals, couples, families, and groups at the psychotherapy center Centro Milanese di Therapya Della Famiglia in Milan. Afterwards, she returned to Turkey and specialized in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She is also a practitioner of the MMPI and Adult Clinical Assessment Tests, assisting in identifying psychological, emotional, or behavioral problems. She adopts a holistic approach in her sessions. She can use more than one approach, depending on the client's problem. She gives therapy in both Turkish and English languages.
Areas of Expertise
Seminars and Conferences
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training (Young and Adult Individuals), Associate Professor Itır Tarı Cömert, Academy of Psychology
- Milan Systemic Approach Therapy Training (Couple and Family Therapy), Prof. Dr. Pietro Barbetta, Centro Milanese di Therapya della Famiglia, 1000 hours
- Understanding and Managing the Separation, by Doctor Hüseyin Fırat, Vera Activity Psychology Summit
- Love, Marriage and Infidelity, Professor Doctor Mehmet Sungur, Vera Activity Psychology Summit
- 10 Techniques Every Psychotherapist Should Know, Associate Professor Itır Tarı Cömert, Academy of Psychology
- How Free Is Human in Relationships and Choices?, Doctor Agah Aydın, Vera Activity Psychology Summit
- How does one learn to cope with difficulties?, Doctor İlker Küçükparlak, Vera Activity Psychology Summit
- MMPI and Adult Clinical Assessment Tests Practitioner Certificate, Psychologist Merve Karaburun, Institute of Psychology
- The Road to the Good Life, Associate Professor Hakan Türkçapar, Vera Activity Psychology Summit
- Limits of the Milan approach (Frontiere del Milan Approach), Centro Milanese di Therapya della Famiglia
- Therapeutic Alliance and Referential Activity 2 instruments to foster relational and clinical skills used to develop relational and clinical skills, Doctor Christopher Christian, Ph.D., City College of New York, University of Bergamo
- Therapeutic Evaluation with Children, Adults, and Families, Doctor Hale Martin, Ph.D., University of Denver, Colorado USA, University of Bergamo, 2017
- Our Unconscious Relationship Patterns and Partner Choices, Clinical Psychologist İpek Kerestecioğlu, Vera Activity Psychology Summit
- Open Dialogue Method Meetings (Studies on Open Dialogue Method and Schizophrenia), Jaakko Seikkula, Milan, May 2017
- If you adapt, you will survive, Psychologist Doctor Ozanser Uğurlu, Vera Activity Psychology Summit
- EEG and Event-Related Potentials, 18th National Psychology Congress- İzmir University of Economics, 2013
- IV. Science Festival, Dokuz Eylul University, 2013